Thursday 28 November 2013

It's the most wonderful time of the Year!!


It's day 6, woo! I'm a fifth of the way through my cleanse...ticking boxes! Having really lovely deep sleeps since being on my cleanse - I really have noticed that! Anyways, I woke up and got ready then headed to the kitchen for some delicious breakie. I had my tonic, cleanse drink and supplements first, then my shake (I love the taste of the vanilla shakes with a few frozen berries.) I like blending the shake with a bit of ice too - it makes it kind of thick and then I eat it with a spoon - bit odd but it's kinda like a smoothie bowl minus the muesli and yummo! 
I prepared my lunch to take with me - a biiiig salad and some brown rice and some snacks for morning tea. I know my lunch seems a little repetitive but its soo good (love brown rice) and sadly I couldn't take almond butter to put in my rice (sob!) cause its against preschool policy. Although it made for some late lunch to look forward to when I got home - cuppa tea and almond butter (off a teaspoon - heaven!) and half one of my bars.  
I felt a little pecko around morning tea so I ate my allowed snacks and also nibbled on some of my salad. After that I was fine until our very late lunch at 2. It was a really busy, great day at work today. I had a lovely time playing with the kids and making Christmas trees with them! I'm soo excited about Christmas! Only 27 days away, that's craaazy! Can't believe how fast this year has gone! I absolutely love this time of year - it's all about family, friends, fun, summer, swimming, salads, freshness, the outdoors, breathing in the lovely air and smell of summer (is that just me? I really think summer/Christmas has a smell haha!) and just enjoying life. 

                            (Courtesy of Pinterest) 

Bit of a tangent! Anyways, so as you can probably gather, I had a great day haha! After work, I got home and enjoyed my later lunch and relaxed a bit, then headed outside for a 3km walk. It was soo hot and windy today but I still love getting out and breathing in some fresh air! It was pretty funny - that dog (the barking culprit) was not there on my walk past the first time so I was lulled into a false sense of security...and the bloody thing got me on the way back!! You can't help but laugh (after your heart rate returns to normal!) 
When I got home I made a shake up and enjoyed it while I chatted to my boyfriend. I took my supplements awhile after my shake and just chatted to a friend and now here I am! So that was Day 6! 

Off to work tomorrow then away for the weekend, I'll try to post over the weekend otherwise, I'll keep a journal and do a biiiig update on Monday! Happy Friday and weekend! 

Kate xx

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Getting into the groove of it...

So I'm on day 5 and going strong! 
Woke up today at quarter to 7 and felt really good! Got up and got ready then headed to the kitchen to get stuck into my breakie. I had my tonic with some water and supplements (sorry if my details are getting tedious but just want to be honest about the whole process!) I waited a little while for the tonic to go down and organised my food for work in the meantime - my snacks, some herbal teas and my shake (minus the water.) Then I blended up my vanilla shake with a few frozen blueberries and poured it in a bottle to go! 


I sipped and enjoyed it on the way out to work rather than sculling it. When morning tea rolled around, I got some water, a herbal tea and my little snacks. I felt fine but got a little hungry round quarter past one but it was then lunchtime so it all worked well. I had my shake for lunch today rather than my meal, purely for the convenience of it. I took the 2 scoops in my shaker and added water and sat down with the kids to enjoy it. One of the other teachers asked me what it was, "Are you having a protein shake?" To which I replied, "It's a shake but it's not a protein shake. It's an all natural, organic shake full of vitamins and minerals. I'm using it to cleanse everything." "Oh wow! Sounds amazing!" she replied. To which I said, "Yeah it is." So I happily sat and drank my shake and looked round at all the crap and packaged artificial yuck that most of the kids were eating and just wished I could help them to all find the best health. (One child tried to tell me that corn chips were healthy because they were made of corn and that's what their mum had told them...eeek! Oh dear!) 
After I finished up at work, I drove back home and nibbled on a snack on the way. When I got home, I had my supplements and cleansing liquid then I had another snack and answered a few emails and chilled out. 
I play tennis on Wednesdays so I have to have dinner early so I made a biiiig salad. I put it all in a large bowl and then blended up some little tomatoes with a bit of basil as a sort of dressing to drizzle over (could've done with some lemon I think.) Then I had a cup of organic brown rice with almond butter melted in (love this!) - I'm a creature of habit haha! And then, I had a half of my allowed bar which is sooo yummy, with a glass of water. I was fuelled up then so I went off to tennis. 
It was not a good night for me on the court, it's safe to say I'm no Azarenka or Williams sister! I actually had a shocker. Ah well, hopefully next week will be better. 
When I got home, I took my other supplements and another shot of tonic. Going to head to bed in a moment! 
Feeling really good as I think I'm getting into the groove of the cleanse routine and feeling the amazing effects. The thing I just LOVE about this cleanse is that it is all natural and organic and its getting rid of the impurities in your body, you can't beat that! The other great thing, that Ive realised is that this literally is for everybody - I'm pretty sure everyone wants to be the best and healthiest version of themselves?! The further into this cleanse I get and the more I learn, the more I want to help others achieve amazing and long-lasting health and wellness and to live their optimal life! 
Sleep well lovely people,
until tomorrow, 

Kate xx

Day 4...Post-cleanse day número uno!

So it is day 4...back to pre-cleanse/shake days. I completed my first ever cleanse day yesterday and I woke up this morning feeling very light and clean and not bloated (win!). I felt really really clean, hard to explain but it felt amazing! 
I got up ready to start day 4. First I had my tonic and some water. Then I had my supplements and mixed up my shake - I went a little craazy and mixed one scoop of vanilla with one scoop of chocolate (outraaaageous!) and it was delishio! 
Then I got into my nutrition study. Loving it, so interesting and so much to learn!! Had a cuppa peppermint tea at morning tea time with a couple of allowed snacks - I'm amazed at how they really can satisfy any hunger cravings!! 
I had little bit of a headache but I'm pretty sure that's the detoxing going on (thats what I've been told) and I don't think I drank enough water yesterday arvo. It makes sense that you might have to feel the effects of toxins that have been hanging out in your body for days, months, years as they're being expelled from your body. You sometimes have to feel worse before you can feel better. Anyway, I sculled a heap of water and felt better. 
Decided to have my meal at lunch. Apparently it's better to eat your meal at lunch rather than dinner cause it helps move those kegs on their way faster. I made a biiiig salad, then I had some organic brown rice with some almond butter stirred in (aaamazing new meal creation!) and then half of one of the cleanse snack bars with a cuppa herbal tea. 


After lunch I got back into the study (mostly!) - there was a little procrastinating...then I got back into the study - listened to some interesting lectures about functional medicine. 
I had my cleanse drink just before arvo tea. Then I had some water and a little snack. I was feeling good despite a whole lot of detoxing going on....bit of an over share but there has been quite a few visits to the ladies room particularly this arvo....see ya toxins and nasty stuff! 
I felt really good this evening, went for a 3km walk which was lovely. Nice to breath in some fresh air, chat to my Dad on the phone and get a bit of Vitty D. Although, I nearly had a heart attack - sneaky bloody dogs that bark just as you walk past their gate and there's a hedge either side...ah god it gives you a fright! The most annoying thing is that that sneaky bugger has got me before haha. 
I was a little peckish when I got home so had a few sticks of celery. Then prepared my dinner shake - 2 scoops vanilla with a few raspberries (I love berries) - they just made the shake! Happy! 



Then I sat and enjoyed my shake whilst watching a "Friends" episode whilst my boyfriend cooked up his dinner. I love how easy and cheap this meal preparation is and the best part is, it's soooo healthy! Really it's a win win all round! Woo! 
So it's off to work I go tomorrow. I wonder how many questions and looks I will get there when I whip out my cleanse shakes?! (I usually get asked about what my green smoothies, lunches, fruits are anyways so it won't be anything new haha!) 

Sleep well! 

Kate xx

Monday 25 November 2013

It's Cleanse Day!


So it is Day 3 of my nutritional cleanse but Day 1 of my 'cleanse' days. To be honest, I was a little apprehensive about how today would go! 
I woke up, full of energy again (love this!) and went into the kitchen to see what today would entail. I mixed up my tonics and got all my supplements and had them. 

I didn't have work today so I'd planned to do heaps of study and catch up on some nutrition lectures so I thought it'd be the perfect day to do a cleanse. 
As the cleanse days consist of a lot of liquids and supplements, I was worried I would be hungry and weak but I really didn't feel that way at all. When I got a little hungry, it was always time for the next supplement or tonic. 
So I just spent the day finishing up the look of my blog, did some study and took it easy whilst on my first cleanse day. 
The most torturous part of the day was when my boyfriend got home and started to cook dinner! He cooked up a biiig pork chop, potatoes and I made him (very kindly, I thought!) a delicious salad. I don't generally eat much meat or dairy after learning aaaall about animal foods in my nutrition course and from my own research but it did smell pretty good tonight! Haha! 
I asked him how his dinner was. To which he replied, "just what the doctor ordered!" (He got back last night from a huuuuge weekend with a group of mates at the cricket so some greens were definitely in order!) 
Even though it did smell good and I was momentarily, a little jealous, I'm really happy that I'm doing this cleanse - the things I'm noticing changing in myself after 3 days are pretty amazing! 
It's really funny but after a full day of cleansing, at about 6 tonight, I got a real boost of energy and even though it's recommended you don't do any strenuous exercise, I felt like I could go for a run!! It surprised me too! I didn't though, I'm going to save that for tomorrow. 
I've decided to spread my cleanse days out over the month (you do 4 over the 30 days) so I'm going back to pre-cleanse day routine tomorrow. Apparently my energy should be pretty crazy tomorrow so I could very well be raring for a marathon...we'll see! Until tomorrow, 

Kate xx

Sunday 24 November 2013

Feeling well...Day 2!

Day two has been and gone!

I woke up reaally early and felt like I could just jump out of bed (quite unusual for me of late!) I got my exercise gear on cause I felt like doing some early morning exercise (also quite unusual - I'm usually an arvo exercise person.) I did a bit of a cycle on the bike which was good, nothing very hard. 
Then Mum wanted to know aaaall about the cleanse and what to do so that when she starts she's got the whole thing under wraps. So I showed her what you do in the morning for breakfast and she tasted the tonics & shake. 
About morning tea time, Dad came in for a cuppa tea and asked me "What's all that stuff in this box?" So I explained to him about the cleanse and the things I was taking. In no time, he said, "Can you get some of the tonic and energy supplements for me to use?" So I hopped on and signed my Dad up for some of the nutritional supplementation products. 
He wanted to start having the tonics straight away though so he had some of Mums'. I measured it out for him and he happily swigged it down and said "Ooh that's not bad! Tastes sweet!" 

I wasn't really hungry and was busy helping Dad move machinery around for harvest so didn't actually have lunch til 2! I had decided to have my 'dinner' at lunch today so I cooked up a yummy, healthy lunch before I headed off for home. 
I snacked on my arvo tea in the car and drank some water with it as well. 
When I got home, I fixed up a shake for myself, in the form of icecream - I just blended a little water and lots of ice with the shake and it was reaaally yummy!! 
I then spent the rest of the evening catching up with my boyfriend, he'd just got back from a BIIIIIIIIG weekend at the Cricket in Brissy (Go the Aussies!) He actually said, "I think I could do with a detox after that weekend," - I didn't disagree haha! 

Felt great today - not hungry, full of energy and my usually bloated belly, is flattening out woo! Tomorrow is my Deep Cleanse Day number one - wish me luck! 

Kate xx

Day One....Bring on good health!!


I had my very first day of my 30 day nutritional cellular cleanse yesterday!! I was SO excited to start after hearing many wonderful things about it - improved health and wellness, energy, clearer skin and mind and weight loss.
I was keen to do this cleanse because although I normally eat reaaally healthy (I'm really into health and nutrition and am studying to be a certified health coach), I just don't feel the energy I think I should feeling at 26. I also have a few last stubborn kilos that I would like to shift. Although I was a little sceptical at the start, the fact that the products were all natural, mostly organic, cold-pressed and free of artificial flavours and sweeteners really resonated with what I believe to be good nutrition. So naturally, I was keen to feel and see the benefits for myself so I jumped right in!

Day One, I happened to be staying the night with a good friend of mine but I was SO keen to get going on my cleanse that the next morning (Saturday 23rd), I started! I told my friend all about it and she was really interested to hear about how I felt and the results as I go. I opened up the box and we had a good look at the daily routine. After my morning supplements, I mixed myself up a shake in the blender with some ice - a little apprehensive of the taste...I was pleasantly surprised! It was really friend had a little try too and agreed. It was such a pleasant morning, I sipped my shake while we sat and chatted for aaages!
I thought I might feel weak and hangry (hungry and angry) but quite the opposite, I felt really good. I felt a little hungry at morning tea but I had my little snacks and felt perfectly fine again.
I had a really late lunch (2:30/3) because I really wasn't hungry at all, surprise surprise!! Drove home from my friends place (she lives about 2 hours away) and just sipped my vanilla shake (think I like it better than the chocolate) on the way home to my parents house.
At about 5, I got a little peckish again so I had my allowed snacks and a cup of herbal tea (a yummy lemon twist one) and felt fine. I then took all my measurements and weight so I can track my progress over the next month.

I had a look at what kind of meals were recommended for dinner and prepared something healthy and delish. I happily ate my dinner, watched "Pitch Perfect" (hilarious!) with Mum and Dad and then, headed off to bed.
I was surprised that I didn't feel weak, lethargic, really hungry or hangry today. I'm really excited now to see what the next weeks bring...surely it can only go up from here wooo! See you tomorrow for an update on day 2,

Kate xx

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.