Monday 25 November 2013

It's Cleanse Day!


So it is Day 3 of my nutritional cleanse but Day 1 of my 'cleanse' days. To be honest, I was a little apprehensive about how today would go! 
I woke up, full of energy again (love this!) and went into the kitchen to see what today would entail. I mixed up my tonics and got all my supplements and had them. 

I didn't have work today so I'd planned to do heaps of study and catch up on some nutrition lectures so I thought it'd be the perfect day to do a cleanse. 
As the cleanse days consist of a lot of liquids and supplements, I was worried I would be hungry and weak but I really didn't feel that way at all. When I got a little hungry, it was always time for the next supplement or tonic. 
So I just spent the day finishing up the look of my blog, did some study and took it easy whilst on my first cleanse day. 
The most torturous part of the day was when my boyfriend got home and started to cook dinner! He cooked up a biiig pork chop, potatoes and I made him (very kindly, I thought!) a delicious salad. I don't generally eat much meat or dairy after learning aaaall about animal foods in my nutrition course and from my own research but it did smell pretty good tonight! Haha! 
I asked him how his dinner was. To which he replied, "just what the doctor ordered!" (He got back last night from a huuuuge weekend with a group of mates at the cricket so some greens were definitely in order!) 
Even though it did smell good and I was momentarily, a little jealous, I'm really happy that I'm doing this cleanse - the things I'm noticing changing in myself after 3 days are pretty amazing! 
It's really funny but after a full day of cleansing, at about 6 tonight, I got a real boost of energy and even though it's recommended you don't do any strenuous exercise, I felt like I could go for a run!! It surprised me too! I didn't though, I'm going to save that for tomorrow. 
I've decided to spread my cleanse days out over the month (you do 4 over the 30 days) so I'm going back to pre-cleanse day routine tomorrow. Apparently my energy should be pretty crazy tomorrow so I could very well be raring for a marathon...we'll see! Until tomorrow, 

Kate xx

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