Sunday 24 November 2013

Day One....Bring on good health!!


I had my very first day of my 30 day nutritional cellular cleanse yesterday!! I was SO excited to start after hearing many wonderful things about it - improved health and wellness, energy, clearer skin and mind and weight loss.
I was keen to do this cleanse because although I normally eat reaaally healthy (I'm really into health and nutrition and am studying to be a certified health coach), I just don't feel the energy I think I should feeling at 26. I also have a few last stubborn kilos that I would like to shift. Although I was a little sceptical at the start, the fact that the products were all natural, mostly organic, cold-pressed and free of artificial flavours and sweeteners really resonated with what I believe to be good nutrition. So naturally, I was keen to feel and see the benefits for myself so I jumped right in!

Day One, I happened to be staying the night with a good friend of mine but I was SO keen to get going on my cleanse that the next morning (Saturday 23rd), I started! I told my friend all about it and she was really interested to hear about how I felt and the results as I go. I opened up the box and we had a good look at the daily routine. After my morning supplements, I mixed myself up a shake in the blender with some ice - a little apprehensive of the taste...I was pleasantly surprised! It was really friend had a little try too and agreed. It was such a pleasant morning, I sipped my shake while we sat and chatted for aaages!
I thought I might feel weak and hangry (hungry and angry) but quite the opposite, I felt really good. I felt a little hungry at morning tea but I had my little snacks and felt perfectly fine again.
I had a really late lunch (2:30/3) because I really wasn't hungry at all, surprise surprise!! Drove home from my friends place (she lives about 2 hours away) and just sipped my vanilla shake (think I like it better than the chocolate) on the way home to my parents house.
At about 5, I got a little peckish again so I had my allowed snacks and a cup of herbal tea (a yummy lemon twist one) and felt fine. I then took all my measurements and weight so I can track my progress over the next month.

I had a look at what kind of meals were recommended for dinner and prepared something healthy and delish. I happily ate my dinner, watched "Pitch Perfect" (hilarious!) with Mum and Dad and then, headed off to bed.
I was surprised that I didn't feel weak, lethargic, really hungry or hangry today. I'm really excited now to see what the next weeks bring...surely it can only go up from here wooo! See you tomorrow for an update on day 2,

Kate xx

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.

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