Tuesday 26 November 2013

Getting into the groove of it...

So I'm on day 5 and going strong! 
Woke up today at quarter to 7 and felt really good! Got up and got ready then headed to the kitchen to get stuck into my breakie. I had my tonic with some water and supplements (sorry if my details are getting tedious but just want to be honest about the whole process!) I waited a little while for the tonic to go down and organised my food for work in the meantime - my snacks, some herbal teas and my shake (minus the water.) Then I blended up my vanilla shake with a few frozen blueberries and poured it in a bottle to go! 


I sipped and enjoyed it on the way out to work rather than sculling it. When morning tea rolled around, I got some water, a herbal tea and my little snacks. I felt fine but got a little hungry round quarter past one but it was then lunchtime so it all worked well. I had my shake for lunch today rather than my meal, purely for the convenience of it. I took the 2 scoops in my shaker and added water and sat down with the kids to enjoy it. One of the other teachers asked me what it was, "Are you having a protein shake?" To which I replied, "It's a shake but it's not a protein shake. It's an all natural, organic shake full of vitamins and minerals. I'm using it to cleanse everything." "Oh wow! Sounds amazing!" she replied. To which I said, "Yeah it is." So I happily sat and drank my shake and looked round at all the crap and packaged artificial yuck that most of the kids were eating and just wished I could help them to all find the best health. (One child tried to tell me that corn chips were healthy because they were made of corn and that's what their mum had told them...eeek! Oh dear!) 
After I finished up at work, I drove back home and nibbled on a snack on the way. When I got home, I had my supplements and cleansing liquid then I had another snack and answered a few emails and chilled out. 
I play tennis on Wednesdays so I have to have dinner early so I made a biiiig salad. I put it all in a large bowl and then blended up some little tomatoes with a bit of basil as a sort of dressing to drizzle over (could've done with some lemon I think.) Then I had a cup of organic brown rice with almond butter melted in (love this!) - I'm a creature of habit haha! And then, I had a half of my allowed bar which is sooo yummy, with a glass of water. I was fuelled up then so I went off to tennis. 
It was not a good night for me on the court, it's safe to say I'm no Azarenka or Williams sister! I actually had a shocker. Ah well, hopefully next week will be better. 
When I got home, I took my other supplements and another shot of tonic. Going to head to bed in a moment! 
Feeling really good as I think I'm getting into the groove of the cleanse routine and feeling the amazing effects. The thing I just LOVE about this cleanse is that it is all natural and organic and its getting rid of the impurities in your body, you can't beat that! The other great thing, that Ive realised is that this literally is for everybody - I'm pretty sure everyone wants to be the best and healthiest version of themselves?! The further into this cleanse I get and the more I learn, the more I want to help others achieve amazing and long-lasting health and wellness and to live their optimal life! 
Sleep well lovely people,
until tomorrow, 

Kate xx

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