Tuesday 26 November 2013

Day 4...Post-cleanse day número uno!

So it is day 4...back to pre-cleanse/shake days. I completed my first ever cleanse day yesterday and I woke up this morning feeling very light and clean and not bloated (win!). I felt really really clean, hard to explain but it felt amazing! 
I got up ready to start day 4. First I had my tonic and some water. Then I had my supplements and mixed up my shake - I went a little craazy and mixed one scoop of vanilla with one scoop of chocolate (outraaaageous!) and it was delishio! 
Then I got into my nutrition study. Loving it, so interesting and so much to learn!! Had a cuppa peppermint tea at morning tea time with a couple of allowed snacks - I'm amazed at how they really can satisfy any hunger cravings!! 
I had little bit of a headache but I'm pretty sure that's the detoxing going on (thats what I've been told) and I don't think I drank enough water yesterday arvo. It makes sense that you might have to feel the effects of toxins that have been hanging out in your body for days, months, years as they're being expelled from your body. You sometimes have to feel worse before you can feel better. Anyway, I sculled a heap of water and felt better. 
Decided to have my meal at lunch. Apparently it's better to eat your meal at lunch rather than dinner cause it helps move those kegs on their way faster. I made a biiiig salad, then I had some organic brown rice with some almond butter stirred in (aaamazing new meal creation!) and then half of one of the cleanse snack bars with a cuppa herbal tea. 


After lunch I got back into the study (mostly!) - there was a little procrastinating...then I got back into the study - listened to some interesting lectures about functional medicine. 
I had my cleanse drink just before arvo tea. Then I had some water and a little snack. I was feeling good despite a whole lot of detoxing going on....bit of an over share but there has been quite a few visits to the ladies room particularly this arvo....see ya toxins and nasty stuff! 
I felt really good this evening, went for a 3km walk which was lovely. Nice to breath in some fresh air, chat to my Dad on the phone and get a bit of Vitty D. Although, I nearly had a heart attack - sneaky bloody dogs that bark just as you walk past their gate and there's a hedge either side...ah god it gives you a fright! The most annoying thing is that that sneaky bugger has got me before haha. 
I was a little peckish when I got home so had a few sticks of celery. Then prepared my dinner shake - 2 scoops vanilla with a few raspberries (I love berries) - they just made the shake! Happy! 



Then I sat and enjoyed my shake whilst watching a "Friends" episode whilst my boyfriend cooked up his dinner. I love how easy and cheap this meal preparation is and the best part is, it's soooo healthy! Really it's a win win all round! Woo! 
So it's off to work I go tomorrow. I wonder how many questions and looks I will get there when I whip out my cleanse shakes?! (I usually get asked about what my green smoothies, lunches, fruits are anyways so it won't be anything new haha!) 

Sleep well! 

Kate xx

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