Monday 2 December 2013

11 days and going strong!


Wow! This morning I woke up bursting with energy! I got up and did a 20 minute cardio workout and felt great! I'm feeling better and better every day!
While I was making my shake this morning, I was standing at the sink, and just couldn't help getting excited and thinking that this really is AWESOME!! 
I made myself a good ole Choccie Dessert Shake and thoroughly enjoyed it! 
I then got into some work on the computer before my Mum arrived for a day of fun! 
She got here about 10:30. I really noticed some physical changes in her shape, she's looking great! She used my little blended up some of her shake (she had had a scoop at home and had her other scoop at my house.) 
She said she had also woken with great energy and had got up at 6 and headed out to do some gardening before she set off to come here. She said dad had asked her, "What ARE you doing?" To which she replied, "Just going out to do some gardening!" "Ohhh..." he replied. Haha! Go Mum! 
After she had her shake, we headed off to start Christmas shopping (never started this early before?!) We got a lot done which was great! 
I think Mum was quite relieved cause we're having 17 for Christmas at our family home this year too so there'll be lots to be done! 
We went to a lovely cafe for lunch and shared to lovely salads. We had a chickpea, roast beetroot, baby spinach, red quinoa and sweet potato salad and a chicken, baby spinach, pumpkin, tomato and plum infused rice salad. They both were reaaaally yummy! 
After all our shopping, we headed back to my house and then, mum set off for home. It was a lovely day! Oh and I forgot to say, I got my looong hair chopped off! It feels soo much lighter and cooler! Happy days! 

My boyfriend and I cooked up some steamed vege for dins which he had with leftover rice and a sort of stew. I had vege and my shake - just LOVE my shake! Then we just chatted, watched a bit of telly and tried to stay cool - soo hot at night at the moment! 

See you tomorrow for day 12! 

Kate xx

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