Sunday 1 December 2013

Start of week 2!

Morning everyone!!

I woke up really early this morning (Saturday 30th November) and decided to let myself just have a bit of a lie in. My boyfriend got up though. Not longer after there was running and laughing in the living room, outside the room we were staying in. I went out to have a look what was going on. My boyfriend was being attacked with foam swords by his two nephews (nearly 3 and 1) - they were running round like madmen trying to catch him. It was pretty entertaining to watch. This was aaaall before breakfast! While they had breakie, we sat with the boys and watched Winnie-the-Pooh. We spent the morning laughing, playing and talking then, headed off to my boyfriends sisters' to start the unpacking of their parents' things into their garage. It was a looong, tiring, H-O-T morning/afternoon of unpacking. After we had unpacked at my boyfriends sisters house - we went to the NEW house to unpack the essentials. It was a long day but I went prepared with my shakes etc so I wasn't hungry at all, just tired from all the physical labour! We finished at about 4 and headed back to my boyfriends brothers' place to relax and have a BBQ for dinner. We all sat around under the verandah while the boys jumped in the pool. Then we just chatted and relaxed - I took up residence on a day bed as I was exhausted!! I got a bit peckish so I had an apple and then half a bar. I also drank a lot of water as it was such a hot day! 
We had dinner outside which was lovely, round a big table and cheers-ed my boyfriend's parents new move. I ate a lot of the yummy salad and had some more of my bar - there was no rice or potato for me to have my 'carb' portion of my meal so I had to improvise a bit but that was ok. We sat round and enjoyed each other's company til about 9:30 which was great. Everyone was soo tired though so it was an early night which suited me as I was ruined! I went to bed and fell asleep as my head hit the pillow - I didn't even hear my boyfriend come in and usually I do! 

See you tomorrow for another update, 

Kate xx

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