Sunday 1 December 2013

Week One complete!

I woke up this morning and found it very easy to get up and just get going (quite unusual for me in recent months!) I got ready and headed to the kitchen to whip up some smoothie-deliciousness! I had my tonic, water and supplements then mixed up what I'm going to call my "Choccie Dessert Shake," - chocolate, vanilla and a few raspberries with ice & water. While I was enjoying it (I really love the taste of these amazing shakes, soo yummy!) I steamed some veggies to take to work for lunch and measured out a cup of brown rice. I also got an apple to have for a snack at morning tea if I was hungry (I was a little peckish at this time, the day before.) 
It was a nice day at work today - the younger age group is a lot quieter and restful so it was quite nice for a change - I did a lot of baking cupcakes and cookies with playdough, babysitting dolls and detective work (looking for treasure.) I did feel a bit hungry at morning tea but the apple and my little snacks warded that off. 
When I got home, I had my leftover things I can't eat at preschool, for arvo tea. So I had a half a bar and a little almond butter (love this stuff, could eaaasily demolish a jar haha!) then I packed up my food and clothes for the weekend as we are spending the weekend away visiting my boyfriends' family. I haven't seen them for awhile so it'll be really fun and I'm going to try and stick to my cleanse as much as possible but it could be a little challenging. I am seeing the benefits so much already though which makes me more determined to keep going. We left at about 5 and I snacked on some celery in the car. 
At about 7:30, we both got a bit hungry so we stopped to get some dinner. I bought a bottle of water (intending to have a shake) while my boyfriend got some Maccas. I decided to just drink the water and just nibbled on a bar instead. I love the bars, they're soo yummy!! 
We got to my boyfriends brothers at 9:30 which was great timing. So we all sat up and chatted for awhile, then headed off for bed. I took my supplements just before bed and then settled down for a good sleep before moving day! 
Nighty night, 

Kate xx

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