Tuesday 10 December 2013

Day 16!

Hiii cleanse-followers!

Just thought I'd update you on the start of the 3rd week in my 30 day cleanse....aaaand it's going VERY well! 

It's going particularly well because I woke up to a knock at the door on Monday morning and got given this box of goodies to prepare for my second cleanse day this Thursday! 

I really am noticing each day, a continual improvement in my energy levels and this really is the biggest plus for me! 
As someone who has previously had anaemia (iron deficiency), which was soo bad, that I had one (yes just one!) point of iron - since then, I've always felt a bit lethargic and tired. 
Even though I am in the healthy iron count range now, I'm still towards the lower end and have always felt a bit bleh! This factor plus a long history of upset tummys (IBS) and migraines led me to my passion for health and wellness. 

I basically have tried to learn and teach myself as much as I can, to help myself to heal and get really well because no professional advice I was getting, was solving any problems for me or helping. 

So in June of this year, I stopped eating gluten because I had learnt all about the effects of wheat on the body, as well as how it can cause headaches and migraines and can relieve IBS symptoms. So I removed it from my diet to see what happened...and to my utter delight and surprise - no IBS symptoms (thank god) and no migraines (I was having at least 1 or 2 a week!) and I just felt alot better than I had been! 

Then in July, I signed up to study Nutrition and become a health coach with an amazing College in New York so that I would have the knowledge and expertise to in turn, help other people heal their ailments and health and create the best, healthiest life that they can. 

I absolutely love this course and have learnt soo much interesting and amazing information. Through learning more and more, I have naturally tweaked my lifestyle and how I eat, in the hope of being as well as I possibly could be! The surprising thing was that although I wasn't eating many animal foods and was stocking up on fruit, vege and healthy wholefoods, I just wasn't feeling aaaall that great - not how I imagined a 26 year old should be feeling considering I was eating much healthier than most people would be (aaaand I was putting on weight?!) 

Sooo...when one of my friends from Melbourne told me about this amazing nutritional cellular cleanse system that she was using and getting amazing results of increased energy, mental clarity and weightloss whilst clearing out all the damaging toxins and free radicals (they cause inflammation, illness and eventually lead to chronic disease) in her body, I was very interested to hear aaaall about it. 

As you can imagine, now that I am actually studying nutrition, I was very skeptical about this system and what actually were in the products. So after I quizzed and quizzed and quizzed my friend and requested to see product information and researched EVERYthing to do with and about this system....I then rang my Mum and told her AAAALL about it. I said how amazing it sounded and that it would be great for her too and she said, "What are we waiting for?! Let's do it!!"

So we signed up and Oh My God (!!!), I am so glad that I didn't let my skepticism get the better of me!!! I am feeling better than ever and I feel like that is getting better everyday!! And Mum is definitely feeling that way too! She has been up and out in the garden before six soo many mornings since she started! 
Well I've written alot on this post, not much about my day but I think valueable background information into my story and how I and why I became soo keen to give nutritional cleansing a go. I have well and truly been converted. 

Be happy and enjoy today! 

Kate xx

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