Sunday 15 December 2013

It's the Fiiiiinal Countdown...

It's day 24 today! Annnnd I was going to do another cleanse day today but my lovely mother just rang me and is coming for a visit today so I'm going to do it tomorrow instead.
I got up all prepared to smash out a cleanse day so I had some tonic and then was waiting to have my cleanse drink when Mum rang so after I got off the phone, I whipped up a Choccie shake. 
I'm pretty excited as well cause I know that I have THEE tool to get through the festive season without succumbing to the usual ick, bloated, stuffed, unhealthy feeling and not gaining the average 0.8-1.8 kg of weight either! It's pretty amazing that you can enjoy life (which is what everyone should do!) but that this amazing system can keep you on track to maintain and keep great health and energy! I'm excited to be starting 2014 in tip top kick-arse condition - cheeeers to that!!!
So after that little tangent...back to my Monday update! 
So when Mum got here, we headed off to the shops as she needed to return a few things and get a couple of little things to add to people's pressies. I had packed my little snacks and also went and bought a couple of apples so we had a nibble on those. 
We went round to the Health Food Store that I work at which was great. Mum met the others who she hadn't met yet and we picked up some yummy sauces and dressings to add to peoples presents. 
Then we went and met my boyfriend for lunch at a nice cafe/restaurant. Mum and I both ordered a yummy salad and my boyfriend had a steak burger. It was fun! 

After lunch, mum and I went back to Myer and I got a different organic tea to try. This time I got an apple and cinnamon one. She got a couple of Chrissie presents and then we went back to my house to have a cool drink before mum went home. 
We cranked the air con and had some cold water and a little snack while laughing at Ellen De Generes talk about the chaos of carparks at Christmas time. 

Then mum set off home - only a few days til we'll be going to my family home so will see Mum again soon and everyone else! 
By the way - my Mum is looking great! Her pants are noticeably looser! She's doing amazingly and is smashing me in the Cleanse Days - she's done 3 already and I've only done 2! She's amazing and I'm so proud of how well she's doing and so happy for her, (she keeps thanking me for introducing her to this lifestyle) that she is getting fantastic results and finding great health! Go you good thing! Love you Mum! 

I'm going to head off to the gym tonight and smash out some exercise - since being on this lifestyle, I ACTUALLY want to exercise cause I have the energy, soo cool! 
Then I'll have a shakey shake shake when I get home and then I might do some study tonight while my boyfriend is studying. 

Hope you're all having a FANtastic Monday! I've had such a lovely day! :) 

Love Kate xx

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