Monday 23 December 2013

30 day cleanse - DONE & dusted!!

So my 30 day cleanse is completed and the results are in!...

Here are my measurements and some visual evidence (very nervous about posting this but I'm being 100% honest they are!) 

Total losses - comparing Day 1 measurements to Day 30 :

Weight: 4.5kgs lost (wooohoo - not my main aim but definitely a plus!) 
Neck: 1cm lost
Upper arm left: 2cm lost; right: 1.5cm lost 
Chest: 2.5cm lost
Diaphragm: 5.5cm lost 
Waist: 6.5cm lost 
Abdomen: 4cm lost 
Buttocks: 9cm lost (Holy moly!)  
Upper thigh left: 2.5cm lost; right: 4cm lost 
Calf left: 3cm lost; right: 3.5cm 
Upper knee left: 1.5cm lost; right: 2cm

Day 1 compared to day 30...(By the way, they are my cozzies in the day 30 picture - just for your information haha!) 

So apart from the fact that I am feeling soo much healthier, energetic and amazing - I have lost weight and centimetres off everywhere! Definitely feeling more toned and less jiggly! 

I LOVE this SOO much! Actually never felt better! And now, because this is a lifestyle system, I can just integrate into my healthy life! 

These products are so amazing, they literally flood your body with all the nutrients and minerals that you need to live optimally so why would I stop using them?! I'd be a fool! 

I'm also jumping on board a 30 day cleanse starting in January (so is Mum!) - to give ourselves an awesome start to 2014! Plus it's fun to do it with other people! Let's all get healthy together, you deserve it! If you want to join the group of us, send me an email or comment below! 

Thankyou so much for following my journey and I hope you will continue to follow my future blog posts as I start my Health Coaching Business. There's going to be lots of great information, fun, recipes and interviews! 

Thanks again for following my progress and I wish you a very very Happy Christmas and a HAPPY, HEALTHY New Year! 

Love Kate xx

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