Tuesday 3 December 2013

It's track your progress day!

So on my step-by-step guide it has a table where you fill in all your measurements and weight at the start of the cleanse and then, again on the 11th day and then, again on the 30th day! 
I want to be as honest as possible so I thought I should share this information and photos. So here goes....(I'm a little nervous eeek! Ok I'll be really honest, ALOT nervous!!)

Day 1: 

Weight: 63kg
Neck: 31cm
Upper arm left: 29cm   Right: 29cm (thank god their same!) 
Chest: 85cm (not a lot there haha!) 
Diaphragm: 77cm
Waist: 72.5cm
Abdomen: 80cm
Buttocks (Gluteus Maximus): 105cm  (ummm...Bootylicious?!) 
Upper thigh left: 58.5cm   Right: 60cm  (Same/same but different...weeeird?!) 
Calf-ie left: 38cm  Right: 38cm
Upper knee left: 38cm   Right:  39cm

Day 12:

Weight: 58.2kg Whoop! (weighed this morning) 
Neck: 30cm
Upper arm left: 27.5cm   Right: 28cm 
Chest: 83.5cm (Even less here now haha!) 
Diaphragm: 71cm (Wow! Huge difference!) 
Waist: 66.5cm (Another biiiig change!) 
Abdomen: 75.5cm (And here!) 
Buttocks (Gluteus Maximus): 99cm 
Upper thigh left: 54.5cm. Right: 55.5cm
Calf-ie left: 35.5cm  Right: 35.5cm
Upper knee left: 36.5cm    Right: 37cm 

Sooooo.....WOW!! I'm a little astounded!! I've lost centimetres off everywhere(!!), gained amazing energy (seems to just keep going up!) and have lost nearly 5kgs in 12 days! It's amazing how cleaning out all the (scuse my french) shiiiiit, has just transformed my body, energy, shape and health in only two weeks! Incredible - using all natural ingredients, I honestly never would've believed it before I tried it! I frickin' LOVE this stuff!! Haha! I'm on such a high from these results, bring on the next 18 days!! Wooo!! 

See you tomorrow! 

Kate xx

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