Saturday 21 December 2013

Day 28 & 29 of my 30 day Cleanse!

Hellooo cleanse followers! 

Here I am, updating on days 28 & 29! - tomorrow is the BIG 3-0!! Wow!! Can't believe it or the changes in myself!! 

So here's a rundown on these two days...

I woke up Friday morning feeling really great and full of energy after my 3rd cleanse day so I got into my exercise gear, had my shot of tonic and a 1/4 of a shake and headed off to the gym. 

I'm really loving the bike at the moment (and considering actually buying a road bike!) so I jumped on one of the exercise bikes next to this older man. He said hello and we chatted while we rode and even after he'd finished his 4kms, we continued to chat, while I rode! So lovely meeting new and interesting people! 
After he left, I finished up my 30 minute random hills session and then did a few weights, squats and a plank (just the one!) Then I set off for home.  

I made up the rest of my shake and enjoyed it while watching a little telly. I quickly got dressed then, and went down the street to pick up something for my secret Santa at work (at the Preschool.) 

Then I drove out to Junee to drop it off - the Christmas lunch was on Friday but I wasn't able to go because I work at the health food shop (the Red Pomegranate) in town on Fridays. I didn't want my secret Santa to miss out though so I wanted to take my gift out beforehand. 
I wished all the ladies a "Happy Christmas!" and dropped my pressie off then, headed back to town. 

I got back home and quickly made up half a shake to have before work (I start work at 12 and don't have a break til 3 so I'm pretty hungry by then!) then I packed some carrot and celery sticks and half a bar into my bag to have as a snack on my break. 
I really enjoy working at the shop. I love helping people learn more about healthier alternatives and just talking to people about health. I also find that I just learn and more everytime which is terrific! 

At the end of the day, I picked up a few things that I needed to take home for Christmas festivities - at my Mum's family Christmas this weekend, she has had this idea that everyone has to bring something new for everyone to try - which I think is a great idea! I was tossing up what to bring but I wanted to bring something glutenfree so I could enjoy it too and healthy! I decided on snap strawberries - their freeze dried and a lovely Meditterean salsa sachet (you mix it with a can of tomatoes and coriander) which you can serve with veggie sticks or rice crackers or whatever you fancy! Yum! They're healthy and new things for everyone to try! 

Then, I set off home to get ready for my boyfriend's work Christmas Party. I had a little snack to eat so I wouldn't be too hungry when I got there and put on a nice skirt and flowy top - it was SO hot!! 
Then I walked down to the pub where everyone was meeting for dinner. 
It was great to meet all the people that my boyfriend works with and their partners. 

We all sat and had dinner and chatted. During the evening, Santa came and delivered the secret Santa gifts. Everyone who works at the firm got given a gift and got a photo taken whilst sitting on santa's lap. Some of the gifts were pretty funny! They also gave out awards for various funny things that had happened throughout the year. It was great fun and just really nice to meet everyone. 

When I got home, I made sure I took a double shot of cleanse drink and my supplements to clear out the nasties that my glass of wine might incur and then I headed off to bed. 

Now on to day 29....

We woke up at the usual time even though we had gone to bed a little bit later than usual. I lay in bed for a little while and just appreciated the first day of holidays woo! Then I got up and had my tonic, cleanse drink, supplements and my shake. 

After my shake, I got stuck into cleaning up, packing up and putting away things. I am off home today for Christmas! SOO excited - Christmas has come around soo quickly! 

After doing most of my part of the clean up, we went off to the shops, for a little last minute shopping. I went to the health food shop I work at and picked up a couple of little goodies to give Dad and my boyfriend. We also got quite a few photos printed out to give to people in our families. We had some lunch while we were there too - we went to Sumo Salad and I made a salad and my boyfriend had a chicken sambo. Then I had a shake when we got home. 

After I had packed up my car with my things and pressies, I set off for home. 
We had decided to meet in Junee to pick up my boyfriends 'new thing to try for Christmas'. He had decided that he wanted to get some licorice and chocolate from the Junee Licorice and Chocolate Factory, to take as his thing which I thought was a great idea - all the products are certified organic which is AWESOME!!

We got there 15 minutes before it closed(thank god!) and my boyfriend tried a few samples (I am waiting for Christmas to try them!) and then he quickly picked out some 'White Gold' (licorice covered in white chocolate), Red Licorice, Triple Chocolate Almonds and a block of Rocky Road White Chocolate. He decided to get a couple of things to take to his family Christmas as well. 
It was SUCH a terrific place - so beautiful and old. We're definitely going to go back on one of our, what we call 'Cultural Sundays' jaunts. Then we set off my family home. 
I was excited to get home and see all my family - I haven't seen my brother in over 2 months I think!? So it was lovely to see him and Mum and Dad. We all spent the arvo chatting which was fun! That's what this season is AAAALL about! 

I'm just watching a bit of the twenty20 cricket with Dad, my boyfriend and brother but about to go help Mum do some wrapping (She's on her 4TH cleanse day!!! GO MUM!! She's looking amazing!!) 

Hope you're all doing something lovely to enjoy this great time of year! See you tomorrow for DAY 30!! 

Kate xx 

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