Sunday 1 December 2013

Sunday Sunday! Day 9!

Good morning! 

I slept soo soundly last night! I woke up this morning (1st of December. Yay! - first day of December!!) still a bit tired from all of yesterday's moving but feeling good otherwise. I've had a lot of comments from my boyfriend's family about how good I'm looking which is great! I know that what I'm doing is definitely working by the changes I'm noticing but it's pretty cool that other people are seeing it too! I'm noticing all my clothes are looser and just fitting better which is always a great thing!! 
I went out to the kitchen to have my tonic and cleansing drink with some water first. Then I got ready and dressed and went and made my vanilla and chocolate shake in my boyfriend's shaker (that I bought with me.) I sat with the two little boys & my boyfriend while they were having breakie and watching "Megamind." 
Then my boyfriend's parents and his grandparents arrived so we just all chatted and sat outside which was nice. Then we had an early lunch (I made a shake up and also had a garden salad.) 
We set off for home after lunch but we stopped to pick up something's for the trip - I got some apples and my boyfriend got a passionfruit and mango boost juice. 
Then we headed off for home. I had a little nap at the start but after that we chatted pretty much all the way home. I was a bit hungry in the car so I had some of my snacks and 2 apples and a bottle of water. 
When we got back home, we went and bought a heap of vegetables, rice and fruit for dinner. I cooked up lots of steamed vege - pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus & a ratatouille with tomatoes, zucchini, mushrooms and asparagus stalks. We had this with rice.  Also had a half a bar after this as a bit if a sweet treat - I love these soo much!! 
It was such a great weekend and I managed to stick to the plan and am feeling soo great for it! Having an easy day at home tomorrow (Monday) of study and might even go and get some Christmas decorations yay!!! 

See you tomorrow! 

Kate xx

This is a photo I took last Christmas at my family home of some of the decorations I put up. 

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