Monday 2 December 2013

Benefits we're seeing and feeling...

It's day 10 of my 30 day nutritional cellular cleanse and I'm feeling better each day! 
I rang my mum this morning when I woke up. She told me about how her first cleanse day went yesterday (Sunday); in her words, "I was aaaall over it!" GO Mum!! She said she didn't feel weak or hungry, which she was surprised about. She also said that she has noticed some really biiiig changes. 
She usually wakes up every night, at least once, to visit the ladies room or is woken up by Dad's tossing and turning but remarkably, she has been sleeping all through the night since she started the cleanse!! Amazing for someone who has had this night owl loo visit routine for yeeeears! 
The other thing she has really noticed is that she isn't getting indigestion - she hasn't had to take anything for this since she started either. Two things that impact on her everyday life, hugely improved after just 5 days! 
After talking to Mum and congratulating her on her successes and on completing her first cleanse day, I got up and ready and went and had my supplements and then made myself a "Choccie Dessert" Shake deeeelight! I enjoyed it whilst watching Karl, Lisa and the team get up to their usual antics - or should I say, Karl, get up to his usual antics!? 

Then I got onto updating my blog (which had to be a little neglected over the weekend) and some study. 
I had a couple of snacks and apple for morning tea and kept working. 
I stopped for lunch at about 12:30. I steamed a whole lot of vege and cooked up some brown rice. I ate the rice with some almond butter (surprise surprise!) and then, had some of a bar. 
Then, about 2, I headed off to the shops for a little outing/festive cheer. I bought my lovely boyfriend and one of my good friend's son, an advent calendar, just for a bit of fun. I also bought some Chrissie cards, tinsel, a lovely organic herbal tea to try and a Christmas present for someone in my family. 

Then when I got home, I had a cup of my lovely new organic wild berry tea from France, oh la la! It was lovely! I nibbled on a bit of a bar while I had my cuppa too. 
In the late arvo, I went for a walk which was lovely! 
When I got home, I made myself up a few steamed vege and a vanilla shake with a couple of raspberries thrown in, which I enjoyed while we watched "Modern Family." 
Later in the night I had a chat with a friend who has been living (and thriving on this lifestyle) for about 2 years! It was amazing listening to her stories about how this amazing product has impacted on her life. She describes it as a gift, as she believes giving people the tool to the greatest health they will ever have as a gift and I believe this too! I feel soo lucky and happy that I have found this system and lifestyle, it's aaamazing! 

Talk to you tomorrow! 

Kate xx

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