Wednesday 11 December 2013

My 2nd Cleanse Day!

So I know that I've missed a few days since the start of the week (Monday's post) and today's one (Thursday) but have been a tad busy this week! 

So here is an update on how my Thursday and my 2nd Cleanse day went. My 2nd cleanse day has been a bit delayed because had to wait for a shipment of my tonic to get here cause I left mine at my boyfriend's brothers house the other weekend and I need it for cleanse days. I also needed a few more of the snacks as they are crucial for the cleanse days too. 
So when I got my little box of deelights on Monday morning, I was excited because it meant I could plan to do my second cleanse day this week. I couldn't do it Tuesday as I had to go to preschool and it would make it a bit hard and Wednesday I had my graduation for completing my Certificate III in Children's Services so Thursday it was!! 

    Me after graduating from my course! 

So I woke up yesterday morning, keen to get stuck into my cleanse day - I know you probably think I'm mad - "how can she be excited about a cleanse day?! She must've lost her marbles!!?" 
Well, before this amazing system, I probably would've been right there on that bandwagon with you but after experiencing the awesome effects of my first cleanse, I could only imagine how good I was going to feel during and after my 2nd (and obviously 3rd & 4th!) so I was excited!!
I got up and took my cleansing drink then waited awhile and had my tonic and supplements. I had study and work to do throughout the day so I just fitted my cleansing around that. So next I had a little snack and cup of herbal tea. Then awhile later I had a different snack and nibbled on that while I studied. 
So basically, without boring you - I cleansed and drank water and had little snacks and tonics and herbal teas throughout the day aaaand you probably think that sounds hard and that I would be hungry etc etc (excuses excuses excuses!) buuut it's amazing! 

I actually love cleanse day because as the name might suggest, you feel SO clean! And I had loads of energy - I went out Christmas shopping in the afternoon! I bought a Christmas tree, part of my Mum's Christmas present and got ideas for other peoples pressies so when I go and hit the shops tomorrow, I have a plan! 

So all in all, it was a productive day; cleansed - tick; studied/worked - tick; made Christmas list - tick; went to bed early - tick and most importantly, on the way to getting even more healthy - maaaassive tick!! 

What a GREAT day!! 

See you tomorrow for more fun and cleanse updates, 

Kate xx 

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