Sunday 8 December 2013

My Weekend Away!

Hi everyone! 

Hope you had a lovely weekend! Just wanted to update you on my fun weekend away! 
I headed off to Sydney on Saturday morning after doing a little shopping with my boyfriend. I got a cheap & (not nasty haha) bright dress to wear just for a bit of fun! I also got some Christmas bits a pieces - reindeer antler headband and some gingerbread and Christmas trees sunnies. 
Then I said goodbye to my boyfriend and hit the road. I had my snacks, a couple of apples, water and some of my bars at hand so I could eat on the way. 
I got to Sydney at about 3:30 and headed to the house of one of my lovely friends where I was stating the night. I found a park (phew! I get a bit freaked out driving in the biiig city!) and clambered down the street with my things. I spent a great couple of hours chatting with my friend and her lovely housemates, while she baked Christmas delights for the dinner we were going to that evening. She whipped up a Pavlova that would put Donna Hay to shame, as well as a caramel slice and the cutest little red velvet cupcakes complete with piped icing, red sprinkles and a little raspberry lolly like a Santa hat on top! Looked amazing! 
Then we got dressed and loaded up with all the goodies and hopped in the car and headed over. It was a pretty funny trip - the cupcakes looked very unstable on their plate on the backseat eeek! When we got there we discovered there had been some casualties! So my friend did a bit of fixing and we headed off down the street with arms full and antlers jingling. 
We went into number 31, only to see a little fluffy dog (??) and a then a man come round the corner and say, "Can I help you?" To which we said, "Umm, sorry. Wrong house!" 
We unloaded all out goodies onto a wall and checked the address again - our friend had written the wrong address and had recently changed it on the invitation haha. 
So we headed off to the RIGHT address and were greeted by lots of familiar faces (thank god!) dressed in Christmas cheer and a beautiful table decked out with candy canes, Christmas list placemats and beautiful big red lanterns hanging in the garden. 
We put the desserts inside and headed out to the garden with a festive drink in hand. 
We all sat around chatting in the garden for awhile and then sat down to a lovely Christmas Dinner! 

It was great fun catching up with everyone and hearing what they've all been up to! 
I did give myself a little night off from the cleanse as I don't get to see any of my friends very often but I didn't eat anything unhealthy, the only treat I had was a few glasses of wine over the evening. The funny (or not so funny) thing was that because my body has just been flooded with sooo much goodness and wellness that it couldn't handle it and I started to feel reaaaally sick! Apart from that though, I had a great time! 
On Sunday morning, we had a bit of a sleep in which was nice and then just chatted and lazed around. Then I headed off to meet one of my lovely school mates for a cuppa tea at the beautiful cafe she runs with her husband. 

It was veeeery busy but we got to sit and have a bit if a chat and then, I just enjoyed my lovely peppermint tea and set off for home. 
Considering I had felt soo ill the night before, after my nightly and morning cleanse and supplements, I was feeling fine! Just a little tired from all the driving and a bit of a late night (or early depending on who you are!) 
I drove home to my parents and met my boyfriend there. We had dinner with Mum and Dad (Mum was on her second cleanse day & killing it! She's looking amazing! Soo proud of her!), which was lovely and then we set off for home together. 
'Twas a lovely, busy weekend but soo great to see everyone and celebrate this awesome time of the year! 

Hope you had a great weekend, 

Kate xx

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