Friday 6 December 2013

2 weeks, done & dusted!

Goooodmorning everyone! 

I'm writing this on a beautiful sunny Saturday morning whilst enjoying my Vanilla/Choccie Shake combo! 

I've got a little updating to do on my blog as I've been sooo busy the last couple of days, I haven't been very diligent, soz! 

So yesterday, Friday 6th - I woke up feeling great again (you must be getting sick of hearing this!) It's amazing how I literally, wake up, feel energized and just soo fricking excited for the day ahead! I got up, had my cleanse drink, then half a serve of my shake and my supplements. Then I headed off for the gym! I got there and was quite excited as I hadn't ventured into a gym in my new town yet! I  sussedq out the room and decided to go with the ole cross trainer first. I did 15 minutes on that and then decide to do 5 minutes on the stair climber. I then moved onto the bikes. I sat down on a bike (gosh the bike seats were comfy, win!) next to an older man. We were both watching the news. I said, "It's so sad about Nelson Mandela!" He agreed and we continued to chat for the...Woaaah, I looked down at my clock and I'd done 27 minutes! Awesome! Making new friends and pumping out 30 minutes on the bike with ease! Then I did a few exercises/stretches and headed back home for the rest of my shake and to get ready for work. 
I ate half a bar on the way to work. I also had packed a few snacks and the other half of my bar to eat in the afternoon on my break. I work on Fridays at a really lovely Organic grocer and health food shop. I really enjoyed my day yesterday, I love meeting and chatting to all the different people coming and advising them on different products and things to do for their health. I really love helping people achieve their optimal health - I guess that's why I love this system soo much, cause that's what it does. 

In the afternoon, I sat outside in the beautiful sunshine and enjoyed my snacks, half a bar and an apple. 
After work, I picked up some lovely organic gifts to take to Sydney this weekend for some friends I'm visiting and also got some Christmas attire to wear to a Chrissie dinner party I'm going to tonight! It should be fun and theee best part is I have some awesome tools to clear away any Christmas toxins tonight and tomorrow! Fist pumping! Haha. 
I cooked us up a heap of veggies for dinner and my boyfriend had a couple of sausies with it as well! 
He is very keen to start on this system now too as he is seeing the evidence of just how effective it is. He has gone from a huuuuge sceptic to, oh maybe you could sign me up next week haha! He's really interested in the health side but becoming more and more interested in the potential for financial gain that he can also tap into. 
It's so funny but he keeps seeing me come out in whatever outfit each morning, and saying "Oh my god!" 
To which I'll casually say, "What?" 
To which he replies, "You look SOO good!!" (Haha!) 
To which I say, "Thanks! This stuff is awesome!" 
And he replies, "Yeah it's really working." 
Loving the compliments haha! 

Anyways, off to the shops now! Already downed my shake! Then heading to Sydney for a little Christmas cheer! 

Have a happy, healthy weekend! 

Kate xx

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