Monday 23 December 2013

30 day cleanse - DONE & dusted!!

So my 30 day cleanse is completed and the results are in!...

Here are my measurements and some visual evidence (very nervous about posting this but I'm being 100% honest they are!) 

Total losses - comparing Day 1 measurements to Day 30 :

Weight: 4.5kgs lost (wooohoo - not my main aim but definitely a plus!) 
Neck: 1cm lost
Upper arm left: 2cm lost; right: 1.5cm lost 
Chest: 2.5cm lost
Diaphragm: 5.5cm lost 
Waist: 6.5cm lost 
Abdomen: 4cm lost 
Buttocks: 9cm lost (Holy moly!)  
Upper thigh left: 2.5cm lost; right: 4cm lost 
Calf left: 3cm lost; right: 3.5cm 
Upper knee left: 1.5cm lost; right: 2cm

Day 1 compared to day 30...(By the way, they are my cozzies in the day 30 picture - just for your information haha!) 

So apart from the fact that I am feeling soo much healthier, energetic and amazing - I have lost weight and centimetres off everywhere! Definitely feeling more toned and less jiggly! 

I LOVE this SOO much! Actually never felt better! And now, because this is a lifestyle system, I can just integrate into my healthy life! 

These products are so amazing, they literally flood your body with all the nutrients and minerals that you need to live optimally so why would I stop using them?! I'd be a fool! 

I'm also jumping on board a 30 day cleanse starting in January (so is Mum!) - to give ourselves an awesome start to 2014! Plus it's fun to do it with other people! Let's all get healthy together, you deserve it! If you want to join the group of us, send me an email or comment below! 

Thankyou so much for following my journey and I hope you will continue to follow my future blog posts as I start my Health Coaching Business. There's going to be lots of great information, fun, recipes and interviews! 

Thanks again for following my progress and I wish you a very very Happy Christmas and a HAPPY, HEALTHY New Year! 

Love Kate xx

Saturday 21 December 2013

Day 28 & 29 of my 30 day Cleanse!

Hellooo cleanse followers! 

Here I am, updating on days 28 & 29! - tomorrow is the BIG 3-0!! Wow!! Can't believe it or the changes in myself!! 

So here's a rundown on these two days...

I woke up Friday morning feeling really great and full of energy after my 3rd cleanse day so I got into my exercise gear, had my shot of tonic and a 1/4 of a shake and headed off to the gym. 

I'm really loving the bike at the moment (and considering actually buying a road bike!) so I jumped on one of the exercise bikes next to this older man. He said hello and we chatted while we rode and even after he'd finished his 4kms, we continued to chat, while I rode! So lovely meeting new and interesting people! 
After he left, I finished up my 30 minute random hills session and then did a few weights, squats and a plank (just the one!) Then I set off for home.  

I made up the rest of my shake and enjoyed it while watching a little telly. I quickly got dressed then, and went down the street to pick up something for my secret Santa at work (at the Preschool.) 

Then I drove out to Junee to drop it off - the Christmas lunch was on Friday but I wasn't able to go because I work at the health food shop (the Red Pomegranate) in town on Fridays. I didn't want my secret Santa to miss out though so I wanted to take my gift out beforehand. 
I wished all the ladies a "Happy Christmas!" and dropped my pressie off then, headed back to town. 

I got back home and quickly made up half a shake to have before work (I start work at 12 and don't have a break til 3 so I'm pretty hungry by then!) then I packed some carrot and celery sticks and half a bar into my bag to have as a snack on my break. 
I really enjoy working at the shop. I love helping people learn more about healthier alternatives and just talking to people about health. I also find that I just learn and more everytime which is terrific! 

At the end of the day, I picked up a few things that I needed to take home for Christmas festivities - at my Mum's family Christmas this weekend, she has had this idea that everyone has to bring something new for everyone to try - which I think is a great idea! I was tossing up what to bring but I wanted to bring something glutenfree so I could enjoy it too and healthy! I decided on snap strawberries - their freeze dried and a lovely Meditterean salsa sachet (you mix it with a can of tomatoes and coriander) which you can serve with veggie sticks or rice crackers or whatever you fancy! Yum! They're healthy and new things for everyone to try! 

Then, I set off home to get ready for my boyfriend's work Christmas Party. I had a little snack to eat so I wouldn't be too hungry when I got there and put on a nice skirt and flowy top - it was SO hot!! 
Then I walked down to the pub where everyone was meeting for dinner. 
It was great to meet all the people that my boyfriend works with and their partners. 

We all sat and had dinner and chatted. During the evening, Santa came and delivered the secret Santa gifts. Everyone who works at the firm got given a gift and got a photo taken whilst sitting on santa's lap. Some of the gifts were pretty funny! They also gave out awards for various funny things that had happened throughout the year. It was great fun and just really nice to meet everyone. 

When I got home, I made sure I took a double shot of cleanse drink and my supplements to clear out the nasties that my glass of wine might incur and then I headed off to bed. 

Now on to day 29....

We woke up at the usual time even though we had gone to bed a little bit later than usual. I lay in bed for a little while and just appreciated the first day of holidays woo! Then I got up and had my tonic, cleanse drink, supplements and my shake. 

After my shake, I got stuck into cleaning up, packing up and putting away things. I am off home today for Christmas! SOO excited - Christmas has come around soo quickly! 

After doing most of my part of the clean up, we went off to the shops, for a little last minute shopping. I went to the health food shop I work at and picked up a couple of little goodies to give Dad and my boyfriend. We also got quite a few photos printed out to give to people in our families. We had some lunch while we were there too - we went to Sumo Salad and I made a salad and my boyfriend had a chicken sambo. Then I had a shake when we got home. 

After I had packed up my car with my things and pressies, I set off for home. 
We had decided to meet in Junee to pick up my boyfriends 'new thing to try for Christmas'. He had decided that he wanted to get some licorice and chocolate from the Junee Licorice and Chocolate Factory, to take as his thing which I thought was a great idea - all the products are certified organic which is AWESOME!!

We got there 15 minutes before it closed(thank god!) and my boyfriend tried a few samples (I am waiting for Christmas to try them!) and then he quickly picked out some 'White Gold' (licorice covered in white chocolate), Red Licorice, Triple Chocolate Almonds and a block of Rocky Road White Chocolate. He decided to get a couple of things to take to his family Christmas as well. 
It was SUCH a terrific place - so beautiful and old. We're definitely going to go back on one of our, what we call 'Cultural Sundays' jaunts. Then we set off my family home. 
I was excited to get home and see all my family - I haven't seen my brother in over 2 months I think!? So it was lovely to see him and Mum and Dad. We all spent the arvo chatting which was fun! That's what this season is AAAALL about! 

I'm just watching a bit of the twenty20 cricket with Dad, my boyfriend and brother but about to go help Mum do some wrapping (She's on her 4TH cleanse day!!! GO MUM!! She's looking amazing!!) 

Hope you're all doing something lovely to enjoy this great time of year! See you tomorrow for DAY 30!! 

Kate xx 

Thursday 19 December 2013

Happy Cleanse Day!

Hello hello cleanse following friends! 

Hope you've had a wonderful day! I've had a veeeery busy one but it has been great!! 

I decided that today was the day for my 3rd cleanse so I kicked it off with a shot of tonic and some water. Then a little bit later, I had my cleanse drink and my supplements. 
Then my Mum rang me before she left for work. She said she had been laughing aaaall morning because my Dad had said the most random thing. Apparently, he came into the sitting room and said, "WHAT are we going to do about these anti-ageing supplements? (that are in the cleanse system)" To which Mum replied, "What do you mean?!" To which Dad said, "If I get too young, I wouldn't have met you yet!" Haha oh Dad! I think he's imagining a Benjamin Button type scenario haha! 

At 10 a.m, I had a coaching circle call for my Health coaching course which was great! I LOVE hearing all the positive energy and things my classmates are doing in trying to help people find better health, it's amazing! I had a couple of little snacks while I listened in as well! 

After the call, I got stuck into some work for my new business and some study. It DOES NOT feel like work though cause I ABSOLUTELY LOVE what I'm doing and studying (sorry for the all the exclamations but they HAD to be used!) I have SUCH a passion for health and nutrition and really want to help people achieve their best health and life; their weightloss goals and overcome food intolerances. 
At 1:30, I had a Skype appointment booked in with a client. It was great fun and I'm SO excited to start helping more people!! YAY!! 

After our appointment, I had some little snacks to eat and then headed off to the shops to do a few errands. It was pretty busy and HOT but I got all my jobs done and picked up the cutest little jars for a baaaargain price to put on my kitchen window sill (copying my Mum!) and some Aussie flag swimming floaties to wear to my boyfriend's Christmas party tomorrow night! Here's hoping they fit on my arms - I'll post a picture so you can get a giggle out of that! 

I met my boyfriend at the shopping centre after work and we chose my floaties. Then we set off home. It was soo hot STILL and our air conditioning is more warm air conditioning - not very helpful! 
We both got stuck into various jobs - I did some tidying and some work and he did some study. I also took my cleanse drink - I haven't included all my cleanse day snacks but I think you'll remember the cleanse day routine from my previous cleanse days - cleanse drink and supplements, snack, other snack, lots of water and then repeat throughout the day. 
It sounds like it would be hard, challenging and all of those 'too difficult' words but it isn't and geez you feel good after and even during! I just love saying "See ya!" to aaaaall the shiiiit that's been hanging out in my body!! (sorry for the swear word Mum, but it needs to be used!) 
After a bit of work, we both sat down at the table, while my boyfriend had dinner and chatted about our days - so lovely! 

And now, I'm writing my blog post while eating another snack and watching a bit if telly. 

Nice to sit down and relax after a busy day! 

Hope to see you tomorrow for day 28 - on the home stretch now! 

Kate xx

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Day 26!!!

Hello everyone! 

What a great day! Bit hot, I know but isn't it just awesome to be here enjoying Summer and the festive season! 

I woke up at quarter to 7 again today and jumped out of bed and went and made up my tonic. I mixed it with water this morning - Mum suggested this last night and I think it's a great idea! 

I had a great ole chat to Mum last night and she was veeery keen to tell me aaaall about how she's going, 23 days on. 

Mum was VERY keen (more than me, I was very skeptical!) to give this system a go because she was getting a bit worried about her weight particularly, and also her health as a consequence of her weight but she also had indigestion, felt lethargic, sore and aching knees and restless sleeps. 

The AWESOME thing is that when she rang me last night, she was SOO full of enthusiasm, excitement and energy because all of these health ailments have either gone away or on the way out! 
She hasn't had to take any indigestion pills (she usually has to wake up to take these in the night too); her sore/aching knees are no longer bothering her so she said Christmas shopping was even more enjoyable this year (haha!); she has had energy to spare (been getting up at the crack of dawn - literally, and gardening!) and has been sleeping better than ever! 
But the real winner for her is that SHE can see the changes as well - she's soo excited because she's going to feel confident enough to get out her swimmers for our beach holiday (which she didn't do last year!)
She's been trying on trousers that she bought 2 weeks ago (yes, only 2 wks ago!) and they're loose - she said she had to keep hitching them up (not complaining!) 
The other amazing thing is that for all of you who don't know my dear Mum, she is not a very disciplined person (she's the first to admit it) when it comes to sticking to a healthy lifestyle - her rubber arm is quite easily twisted when it comes to cheese or cake for instance. That's why I love this system, my Mum is having amazing results and loving it and doesn't feel restricted! This is a lifestyle change not a diet which is why my Dad is using it too! This is THE way to get the healthiest you can and will ever be...I feel blessed! Thankyou to my friend Diana, I owe you a bazillion!! 

Anyways back to my amazing Mum - she is soo proud of herself and so she should be! 
Last night - she said to me, "I was cooking up the 2 biiig Christmas puddings," and she said, "Usually, I would've had lots of tastes and try's of the mixture, but because I can see results and I'm so happy with how I'm going, I didn't want to have any!" She said, "You would've been SO proud of me!" And I said I am SO proud of you - she's doing amazingly well and just kicking goals. It shows great strength and determination to change and to move towards the things that you really want! If you want them enough, you CAN get there...Good on you Mum! You're amazing! 

Honestly, I believe that Mum (along with my dear Dad) are going to be the healthiest, most energetic people of their age that I know and I couldn't be happier that I guided and helped them there! 

I've written a lot already today so I won't bore you with my day to day details other than to say I'm going terrifically, feeling great and loving life! 
I have tennis tonight so had a little natural energy boost just then, and having a shake for dinner tonight cause I had my meal at lunch. Also I ABSOlutely LOVE the shakes - can't get enough of them (another discussion point mum and I were having last night!) - they are Amazing, with a capital A! 

Anyways, hope you're having a lovely day and keeping hydrated! My Dad just popped in on the way home from his little weekend jaunt visiting friends - soo lovely to see him :) 

See you all tomorrow for day 27! 

Kate xx

Monday 16 December 2013

Day 25 - look at me go!

Hello cleanse-readers! 

Hope you're having a fabulous day! I've been busy listening to nutrition lectures and tweeking my new health coaching sites - fun! 

It's schhhhmokin' HOT here so I've been downing ALOT of cold water today and packing the ice into my shakes as well - I have discovered that the Vanilla Shake when packed with ice and blended tastes like vanilla icecream - Ooh my gawd it's good!! 
After my gym session last night, I came home and had one and it's feels like being rewarded with icecream but THEE best icecream you could ever get - you're body is just getting flooded with awesome essential minerals, vitamins, macro and micro nutrients! What's better than that?! It's N-icecream! 

Anyways, back to TOday! I got up and had my tonic and made my boyfriend and myself a shake each - a choccie for him and a vanilla for me! (He now keeps asking me for one every morning!) This morning he said, "Mmm that is SO good!" And everytime I reply knowingly with a, "Yup!" - SO smug haha! 

Then as I said, I've been studying and working all day in the air con with the Christmas tree lights on! 

I had an apple and a couple of snacks for morning tea and then a shake for lunch with some homemade veggie soup. I'm having my meal for dinner tonight cause my boyfriend and I are making burritos. After the gym, I'm going to stop by the supermarket and grab some groceries. 

I'm planning on doing a cleanse day tomorrow so I'll update you on how my third cleanse day pans out! Only 5 days left in my 30 day cleanse - the time has flown by! 

Hope you're all having a lovely day too! 

Love Kate xx

Sunday 15 December 2013

It's the Fiiiiinal Countdown...

It's day 24 today! Annnnd I was going to do another cleanse day today but my lovely mother just rang me and is coming for a visit today so I'm going to do it tomorrow instead.
I got up all prepared to smash out a cleanse day so I had some tonic and then was waiting to have my cleanse drink when Mum rang so after I got off the phone, I whipped up a Choccie shake. 
I'm pretty excited as well cause I know that I have THEE tool to get through the festive season without succumbing to the usual ick, bloated, stuffed, unhealthy feeling and not gaining the average 0.8-1.8 kg of weight either! It's pretty amazing that you can enjoy life (which is what everyone should do!) but that this amazing system can keep you on track to maintain and keep great health and energy! I'm excited to be starting 2014 in tip top kick-arse condition - cheeeers to that!!!
So after that little tangent...back to my Monday update! 
So when Mum got here, we headed off to the shops as she needed to return a few things and get a couple of little things to add to people's pressies. I had packed my little snacks and also went and bought a couple of apples so we had a nibble on those. 
We went round to the Health Food Store that I work at which was great. Mum met the others who she hadn't met yet and we picked up some yummy sauces and dressings to add to peoples presents. 
Then we went and met my boyfriend for lunch at a nice cafe/restaurant. Mum and I both ordered a yummy salad and my boyfriend had a steak burger. It was fun! 

After lunch, mum and I went back to Myer and I got a different organic tea to try. This time I got an apple and cinnamon one. She got a couple of Chrissie presents and then we went back to my house to have a cool drink before mum went home. 
We cranked the air con and had some cold water and a little snack while laughing at Ellen De Generes talk about the chaos of carparks at Christmas time. 

Then mum set off home - only a few days til we'll be going to my family home so will see Mum again soon and everyone else! 
By the way - my Mum is looking great! Her pants are noticeably looser! She's doing amazingly and is smashing me in the Cleanse Days - she's done 3 already and I've only done 2! She's amazing and I'm so proud of how well she's doing and so happy for her, (she keeps thanking me for introducing her to this lifestyle) that she is getting fantastic results and finding great health! Go you good thing! Love you Mum! 

I'm going to head off to the gym tonight and smash out some exercise - since being on this lifestyle, I ACTUALLY want to exercise cause I have the energy, soo cool! 
Then I'll have a shakey shake shake when I get home and then I might do some study tonight while my boyfriend is studying. 

Hope you're all having a FANtastic Monday! I've had such a lovely day! :) 

Love Kate xx

Thursday 12 December 2013

Day 22 - YAY!!

Oh my gosh!! Can't believe it's day 22 already!!? How the time has flown!! 

I had a lovely day yesterday! Woke up early feeling excited as we were heading off to do our Christmas shopping this morning! 
We got up and had a shot of tonic. Then my boyfriend started to cook up some eggs, tomato, mushies and spinach. I then made him and myself a shake to have and then I had my supplements. 

Then we headed off to the shops! I might be a little weird in this aspect but I actually LOVE Christmas shopping. I really enjoy finding a present for someone that I think that they will really like, so I often take quite a bit of time beforehand, writing a bit of a list. 

I packed a little snack to take with me so I ate that while we were walking round, as well as a little energy boost shot for me to drink. 

We were very efficient and knew what we wanted so we bought most of our presents and then separated up so we could get each other's present. I'm reaaaally happy with my presents this year! 

My boyfriend picked me up and then we headed off to Bunnings to finish off his shopping. He was a bit overwhelmed when we got there so I suggested he grab a sausie sambo (cause it was lunchtime) to give him a bit of energy plus I know he's a sucker for a sausie sizzle and I knew it'd make this experience much better for us both if he had one haha! It was quite fun trolling around the huge aisles - we ran into a few people and he finished his shopping off.

Then we went home and I made up a shake and then got stuck into wrapping some of my Christmas presents! I bought some really colourful paper and some lime green tape which went with the paper and got to work like a little elf.
My boyfriend watched the cricket while the little elf wrapped up gifts. 

At about 3:30 we headed off to his rugby clubs Christmas party down near the beautiful lake here. It was SO beautiful down there and many were out and about enjoying the lovely weather; there were lots of boats, windsurfers and sailing boats - a flurry of activity and colour! 

The club had a tent and BBQ set up lakeside and there was a big crowd gathered. As we only moved here in July, we are still just getting to know people but everyone's very friendly which makes it easier. 
My boyfriend is getting to know all the guys but I don't really know any of the girlfriends/wives because my boyfriend joined towards the end of the season this year. But, I made friends with a lovely girl who moved here about the same time that we did so is still a newbie too. She was lovely and I just spent the few hours we were there watching the guys play cricket and swim whilst having a great chat to her. It was SUCH a lovely arvo. 

Then we headed off home and had a quick dinner (vege, rice, hummus) and then went to the movies to see the second "Hunger Games" movie. It's amazing!! I loved the first one and have actually read the books too! 

We had a GREAT but busy Saturday - soo much fun!! 

Hope you are enjoying your weekend too! 

Kate xx